
AI + X

The Institute’s foundational research provides an underpinning to a wide range of real-world applications across AI + X domains. These domains reflect key activities and concerns of society where AI can have significant impact.

Healthcare and Human Potential

Logistics, Manufacturing and Robotics

Finance and Economy

Urban Sustainability

Education, Humanities and Social Sciences


Healthcare and Human Potential

Domain Leads:

AI Leads:

Goal: To leverage on AI advancements to transform Singapore’s healthcare with the “3 Beyonds”: 

5-year Goal: Integrated health records with lifestyle and environmental information for AI utilization, real-world validation of AI-enabled enhanced diagnostics and screening for early prevention

10-year Goal: Personalized/targeted healthcare, wide-spread telehealth adoption

15-year Goal: Predictive healthcare, Human-AI collaborative health and well-being management, AI-assisted biomarker and drug discovery

Logistics, Manufacturing and Robotics

Domain Leads:

AI Leads:

Goal: To reinforce Singapore’s connectivity (i.e., supply chain and transaction management) with the global market while elevating local community through innovative logistics and manufacturing practices through AI.

Key research areas:

  • AI solutions to optimize supply chain management​
  • Digital technologies for secure, timely and transparent transactions​
  • AI empowered advanced manufacturing techniques to enhance local community production capabilities​
  • Workforce equipped to meet future high-tech logistics and manufacturing requirements of the world

Finance and Economy

Domain Leads:

AI Leads:

Goal: To leverage on multimodal data coupled with Large Language Models (LLMs) for more informed financial analysis and economic policymaking towards a greener economy with appropriate regulation and minimal fraud. AI can enable new services and improve productivity.

Key research areas:

  • Multimodal financial forecasting and decision making
  • LLM for extracting financial information
  • AI for Green Finance and Sustainability
  • AI for Regulation Technology and Fraud Detection
  • AI for Consumers, Marketing, and Digital Transformation

Urban Sustainability

Domain Leads:

AI Leads:

Goal: To optimize urban systems for efficiency, sustainability and resilience and contribute to global discourses on sustainability practices and policymaking.

Key research areas:

  • Energy Efficiency and Policy
  • Safety and Sustainability in Energy Systems
  • Innovative Material and Environmental Analysis
  • Urban and Transportation Systems

Education, Humanities and Social Sciences

Domain Leads:

AI Leads:

Goal: To develop prototypes and establish lead in technology-augmented and online learning. 

Key research areas:

  • Managing student motivation
  • Improving efficiency of teaching administration
  • Adaptive learning
  • Ensuring trust and safety in high stakes translated communications
  • Improving translation accuracy
  • Supporting the local social sector


Domain Leads:

AI Leads:

Goal: To accelerate scientific inquiry and potential new scientific discoveries with strategic utilization of AI models and domain knowledge. It can not only help discoveries at speed, scale and efficiency but also potentially enable discoveries otherwise not possible.

Key research areas:

Biomedical Science
• Protein Folding and Protein Structure Prediction
• RNA Biology
• Synthetic Biology
• Computer-aided Drug Design
• Protein and Peptide Design

Materials Science
• Future Material Development
• Quantum Material
• Imaging and Design of Energy Materials
• Single Molecule Microscopy